1. Fleetwood Mac - Go your own way
2. Convex Model - With the heart inside your shoes
3. Peter Hammill – Fogwalking
4. Brian Eno - Golden hours
5. Can - Tango Whiskeyman
6. Patrik Fitzgerald - Island of lost souls
7. Coolies - What you think
8. B Team - What is this?
9. Shock Headed Peters - Miserable worm
10. Vice Versa - Genetic warfare
11. Voice Farm - Davy's big battle
12. Yukio Yung - The Saisho Connection
13. Sub Verse - Chance Romance
14. Marc-Sebastian Jones - Prince of passion
15. Crawling Chaos - Memory loss
16. Tactics - Know it all
17. The Drowning Craze - I Love the fjords

 Νίκος Καπαντζάκης, Eλεάνα Γαρίνη, Αντώνης Ξαγάς

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