(«Στο Κόκκινο 105.5 FM», 00:00-02:00 Π.Μ.)

1. Rachel Zeffira - Break the spell
2. Carina Round - The secret of drowning
3. Jessica Bailiff - Take me to the sun (so warm so ready)
4. Soko - Don't you touch me
5. Deep Time – Homebody
6. Trust – Shoom
7. Andy Stott - Sleepless
8. Μάκης Πρέκκας - T244
9. The Eccentronic Research Council – Another witch is dead (trad.)
10. Legowelt -A cold winters day
11. Sunday Club - Grete Waitz
12. Elefant -The clown
13. The Amazing – Dogs
14. The Dukes of Stratosphear - Shiny cage
15. Deirdre - Young waters
16. Füxa - Techno light
17. Enrico Macias - Adieu mon pays
18. Ψαρογιώργης/Χαιρέτης/Αγγελάκας/Βελιώτης - Ίντα 'χετε γύρου-γύρου
19. Hafez Modirzadeh - Facet twenty
20. Chilly Gonzales – Othello
21. Bill Evans - Theme From MASH (aka Suicide Is Painless)

Αντώνης Ξαγάς, Ελεάνα Γαρίνη

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